Milk Cooler ROI

Step One: Number of School Days

Select the state of the school district from the pulldown menu and the table below will automatically populate with these results:

  • The Number of School Days
  • The Number of Weeks of School
  • The Number of Months of School
School Days

Step Two: Milk per Day

Select the number of milk cartons sold per day and the table below will automatically populate with these results:

  • Milk per week
  • Milk per year
Milk Per Week
Milk Per Year

Step Three: Capacity Calculator Based on Milk Serving Size

Select the milk serving size from the pulldown menu and the table below will automatically populate these results:

  • Number of Containers that will fit each Milk Cooler model (34", 49", 58")
  • Max number of Milk Cartons each unit can hold
Milk Crate Size RMC34 # Crates RMC49 # Crates RMC58 # Crates
16 QT Crates Capacity -- 8 -- 12 -- 16
24 QT Crates Capacity -- 4 -- 8 -- 10

The size of the milk container does not effect the ROI calculator.
These results will help determine the correct cooler size for the school's milk demand.

Step Four: Price Premium Per Serving

From the pulldown menu, select the premium the school pays for each serving of milk (Typically 0.02¢-0.05¢.) The table below will automatically populate with these results:

  • Daily Premium
  • Weekly Premium
  • Yearly Premium
  • 6-Year Premium

If unsure about milk premium, ask dairy company for the milk price without "free" milk coolers.

Daily Premium
Weekly Premium
Yearly Premium
6-Year Premium

Step Five: Cold Wall Defrosting Costs

From the pull down menus, select the number of days per week the cold wall unit has to defrost, the number of cold wall units and the hourly rate of the person incharge of defrost/cleaning. The table below will automatically populate these results:

  • Yearly Cost
  • 6 Year Cost
Days per Year
Hours to defrost and clean per year (typical 2 hours per unit per defrost).
Yearly cost
6 Year cost


Have you recieved a custom quote? Click on any price value below to edit.

*6YR Savings Model Capacity Units **Price/Unit Total Price ROI Break-Even Year
--- RMC34S 8-16QT Crates 1 $ --- ---
--- RMC34D 8-16QT Crates 1 $ --- ---
--- RMC49S 12-16QT Crates 1 $ --- ---
--- RMC49D 12-16QT Crates 1 $ --- ---
--- RMC58S 16-16QT Crates 1 $ --- ---
--- RMC58D 16-16QT Crates 1 $ --- ---

*6 Year Savings based on Number of School Days, Milk Served Per Day, Premium Paid per Serving, & Cost of Defrosting Cold Wall Unit(s)

** Estimated MAP pricing, request a Quote for an actual price.